A new technique of Acupuncture study, fast and easy. No need to know Chinese names for all points. We provided 2 days course including Theory and Practice and how to continue an acupuncture study.
Course Schedule
1st Day
- Introduction to Oriental medicine and Alternative Medicine
- 5 Elements Theory
- The Chinese CUN
- Introduction to Acupuncture
- Needleless Acupuncture
- The 40-Most common use Points of 14 meridians
- Lung & Large intestine meridians
- Heart & Small intestine meridians
- Spleen & Stomach meridians
- Pericardium & San Jiao meridians
- Kidney& Urinary bladder meridians
- Liver & Gallbladder meridians
- Du & Ren meridians
2nd Day
- Chinese Medical Diagnosis:
* Classical Pulse Reading
* ECIWO Technique
- Practical of Chinese Medical Diagnostics:
* Classical Pulse Reading
* ECIWO Technique
- Practical in basic illness treatment
* Chronic pain & Office Syndrome, such as
back pain, shoulder, arms, legs, knees
* Paralysis
- Integrating in Medical Diagnostic and Treatment
- The Rule of selection points
- Training for chronic diseases
Medical personnel: Physician, Pharmacist, Public Health Officer, Dentistry, Nurse, Physiotherapy.
Lecturer Team
Adil Clinic Team, Dr. Ubaid Wawaeni, M.D. M.A., MBA.
Any inquiry do not hesitate to ask in FB inbox
1st Day
- Introduction to Oriental medicine and Alternative Medicine
- 5 Elements Theory
- The Chinese CUN
- Introduction to Acupuncture
- Needleless Acupuncture
- The 40-Most common use Points of 14 meridians
- Lung & Large intestine meridians
- Heart & Small intestine meridians
- Spleen & Stomach meridians
- Pericardium & San Jiao meridians
- Kidney& Urinary bladder meridians
- Liver & Gallbladder meridians
- Du & Ren meridians
2nd Day
- Chinese Medical Diagnosis:
* Classical Pulse Reading
* ECIWO Technique
- Practical of Chinese Medical Diagnostics:
* Classical Pulse Reading
* ECIWO Technique
- Practical in basic illness treatment
* Chronic pain & Office Syndrome, such as
back pain, shoulder, arms, legs, knees
* Paralysis
- Integrating in Medical Diagnostic and Treatment
- The Rule of selection points
- Training for chronic diseases
Medical personnel: Physician, Pharmacist, Public Health Officer, Dentistry, Nurse, Physiotherapy.
Lecturer Team
Adil Clinic Team, Dr. Ubaid Wawaeni, M.D. M.A., MBA.
Any inquiry do not hesitate to ask in FB inbox